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New Year, New You

New year. New you.  It sounds fantastic to start dusting off old habits and embracing a healthier, stronger, more efficient version of yourself with the simple flip of a calendar page, doesn’t it?

But, why?

Sometimes we leap to the resolutions before we clearly define our reasons.

As a music teacher of 22 years, this is something I see often with families wanting to study music.  Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t really a “wrong” reason to study music, however, fine tuning your “why” on a regular basis may help provide clarity when you or your child are feeling stretched or challenged.

For students of all ages, the satisfaction of putting notes and rhythms together to create music can take daily practice and perseverance for weeks, months and even years.

So, what’s your “why” for learning music this year?

We promise that learning music is worth the effort and our Motif teaching team is committed to helping you set achievable goals for your music studies to help you re-energize your music making in 2019.